Erwan Heussaff recounts heart-clenching encounter with gorilla

Erwan Heussaff can now laugh about his encounter with a silverback gorilla, but not when it got too close to him for comfort.
by FM Ganal
Published Nov 14, 2018
Erwan Heussaff can now laugh about his encounter with a silverback gorilla in Rwanda, Africa, but not when it got too close to him for comfort. He and wife Anne Curtis are currently honeymooning in Africa to celebrate their first wedding anniversary on November 12.

Erwan Heussaff just experienced a close encounter with a mountain gorilla in Africa.

He and his wife Anne Curtis held their breath as a silverback gorilla—the leader of the group—headed towards them.

The gorilla got extremely close to Erwan, who cowered in fear and was relieved when the beast went past him.

Erwan posted the heart-stopping moment on his Instagram account.

He captioned, "When a silverback comes your way (this was the number 2 in the family) you make yourself as small as possible and stand your ground.

"I had nowhere to go so I just clenched every fiber in my body, ready for the hit.

"At first I thought the lady behind fell on my side, but I then realized that she managed to get behind me and that body check I felt actually came from the gorilla. SURREAL.

"I can now say that I've been trunked by an elephant and brushed aside by a silverback. I need to get bitten by something now, like a big cat.

"P.S I can now also say that I (unwillingly) put myself between this giant and my wife @annecurtissmith to protect her."


Erwan, Anne, and a group of tourist were at the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Africa, when they encountered the mountain gorillas.


The tour group took a two-hour hike around the park to search for the gorillas.

Erwan Heussaff (left) and Anne Curtis (right) are currently on their month-long honeymoon trip around Africa.
IMAGE @annecurtissmith on Instagram Stories

Despite the scare, the couple still enjoyed watching the gorillas in their natural habitat.

Anne Curtis sneaks a selfie with one of the mountain gorillas at Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Africa.
IMAGE @annecurtissmith on Instagram Stories

Erwan was still smiling even if he almost got slammed by one of them.

Erwan Heussaff looks excited to take photos of mountain gorillas in Rwanda, Africa.
IMAGE @annecurtissmith on Instagram Stories

Erwan and Anne are currently on their month-long honeymoon trip around Africa.

They celebrated their first wedding anniversary on November 12.

READ: Anne Curtis and Erwan Heussaff give glimpses of married life on Instagram

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erwan heussaff, Anne Curtis
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Erwan Heussaff can now laugh about his encounter with a silverback gorilla in Rwanda, Africa, but not when it got too close to him for comfort. He and wife Anne Curtis are currently honeymooning in Africa to celebrate their first wedding anniversary on November 12.
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